
My name is Noelle, I live on the west coast of Ireland on the Wild Atlantic Way and in the heart of the Burren. I am surrounded by nature and beauty which inspire my crafts, cooking and gardening. I love my hobbies and can’t imagine my life without them. I like sharing my experiences; successes or mishaps, with fellow enthusiasts.

I was fortunate enough to have a primary school teacher that loved all thing crafty. For two hours every Friday afternoon, she would take all the girls in the school for textile crafts. She taught us everything, knitting, crochet, sewing, embroidery, macramé, weaving and others I’ve probably forgotten. This is where my love affair with crafting began and it has stayed with me ever since.

I love love food, eating it, smelling it, trying new tastes. It was no wonder that I ended up loving cooking. Here in the countryside, there are no take-aways or bakeries, so I mostly what we eat I make. My favourite thing is to try new recipes from all around the world and when I go out to dinner, I like to try whatever I haven’t had before. I like to eat healthily, so that influences my cooking as well and makes baking a difficult one to sneak in.

I have been so blessed to finish up living in this beautiful rural landscape. I love nature and remember with great fondness my older brother bringing me on nature treks when I was young. My love of nature lead onto my love of gardening and while I still have a lot to learn, I’m enjoying every bit of it.

I hope you enjoy my blog and hopefully it gets your taste buds going, your needles clicking and spade a digging.